Windows Setup INFormation | 2006-09-11 | 59KB | 861 lines
4012=Processes your input and closes the dialog box.
4015=Cancels your input and closes the dialog box.
4018=Processes your input.
4021=Opens help topics to help you accomplish your tasks.
4024=Closes the dialog box.
4027=Restores parameters used by default
4100=Information on points series
4103=Points series parameters:
4105=Processes your input.
4108=Choose a color for points series from 6 assigned.|It is used with editor, in calculation| of correlation, approximation,|distribution.
4111=Choose a marker for points.|It is used only in plot.
4112=Aspect ratio (Y/X)
4114=Assign attitude of height of point to its width.|It is used in calculation| of correlation, distribution.
4115=Radius ( X ), 0.1 mm
4117=Assign width of point.|It is used in calculation| of correlation, distribution.
4118=Points connection line
4120=Assign to connect points with line or no.|Points with nearby numbers (Z) are connected.|Width of line in 0.1 mm.
4143=Lets you remove the points series.
4144=Remove points
4146=Lets you remove from series points selected in grid.
4149=Processes your input.
4150=Copy points
4152=Lets you copy points selected in grid and put them on the Clipboard.
4155=Lets you call the Editor, to redact points
4157=Lets you call the Approximation Wizard,|to build function on all points of series.
4158=Insert/Remove label.
4160=Input series title.|It is used with objects list|and to save to TXT or XML file.
4163=Select rows to put them on the Clipboard or remove.|Click <X>,<Y>,<Z> to sort points of series.
4165=Values Xi, Yi, Y=f(Xi), and residuals dY = Y-Yi.
4170=Lets you select all points in grid
4180=Lets you copy Distribution of variables (text information) or FFT (Frequency, Amplitude, Angle), and put them on the Clipboard.
4200=Information on selected area
4205=Processes your input.
4208=Select a color for the area from 6 assigned.|The color is used with editor in selection,|displacement and removing the points.
4211=Factor to correlations of all points inside area
4212=Number of points
4214=Total number of points inside area
4217=Areas value in given units of measurement
4220=Assigned units of measurement on X and Y
4221=Color fill area
4223=Choose to fill or not area with color. The areas can overlay each other.
4243=Lets you remove the area|Points will not be removed.
4244=Remove points
4246=Lets you remove all points inside area
4249=Processes your input.
4250=Copy points
4252=Lets you copy points inside area to the Clipboard.
4254=Lets you copy the table information to the Clipboard.
4257=Lets you call the Approximation Wizard,|to build function on all points inside area.
4260=Input area title.|It is used with objects list|and to save to XML file.
4263=Information on area:| sizes of area|Information on points:| Min, Max, Mean, Deviations.
4290=Places the object at the front of the z-order.
4300=Information on selected function
4305=Processes your input.
4306=Line color:
4308=Select a color for the line.
4309=Width, 0.1 mm
4311=Select line width in 0.1 mm.
4314=Select to draw or not |lines of standard deviation
4317=Piece linear function.|Select to draw or not |lines on centers of steps
4330=Approximation parameters X,Y
4331=Interval limits
4333=Approximation line visualization interval limits
4337=Bottom limit of interval
4340=Upper limit of interval
4341=Full window
4343=Lets you draw line on full window
4346=Approximation standard deviation
4353=Lets you remove the approximation line
4359=Processes your input.
4362=Lets you create new points series. Points are on approximation line. Approximation line will be removed.
4364=Lets you trace function, first and second derivatives, calculate integral, zeroes and extremes, and tabulate function.
4365=Lets you trace data, first and second derivatives, calculate integral.
4370=Input function title.|It is used with objects list|and to save to XML file.
4381=Lets you fill area between function line and line you selected.
4382=Lets you fill area from a curve to a specified Y value. Minimum, maximum and median values are calculated only in function interval you selected.
4385=Lets you fill band around function with semi-height you selected. Deviation is calculated in regression (approximation) dialog.
4386=Lets you fill area between two curves. Only functions Y(X) are in list.
4389=Select the color, transparency (for solid brush only), and choose from seven pre-defined fill patterns. Note: there is no transparency with printing.
4390=Lets you add or remove error bars from data points in the plot.
4391=Lets you turn off error bars for the selected data set.
4392=Allow you to specify the size of the error bar. If you wish to specify the size of each point's error bar individually, then this can be done by choosing the Z value.
4393=If you wish to specify the size of each point's error bar individually, then this can be done by choosing the Z value. Click to generate Z data column with Y(X) data you selected.
4394=Allow you to specify the color and aspect ratio X/Y to draw error bars.
4405=Enter here commentary text and press the button <Input>.|The commentary will appear.|To move it, hold mouse left button.
4412=All font and color changes are immediately reflected on screen.
4415=Press the button to choose the font.
4416=0.1 mm
4418=Select a height for characters in 0.1 mm.
4421=Select an orientation for characters in degrees.
4427=Select a color for the text.
4432=Select text box position|All changes are immediately reflected on screen.
4439=Select to draw background rectangle or no.
4442=Select a color for background rectangle.
4445=Select to draw shadow or no.
4450=Draw text
4453=Draw it now
4455=To draw the text:|1. Input text|2. Select <Draw text> checked|3. Click button <Draw it now>|4. Hold left button and move the mouse on screen until will end the letters.
4462=Processes your input and changes the commentary text.
4465=Lets you remove the commentary
4480=Lets you specify weights for a set of data points (Xi,Yi, i=1..N) for curve fitting. Data points can be given greater or less influence over the fitting process by assigning a weight to each point.
4500=Information about the Confidence ellipse
4505=Processes your input.
4506=Line color
4508=Select a color for the line.
4509=Width, 0.1 mm
4511=Select line width in 0.1 mm.
4512=Axis of ellipse
4514=Select to draw or not axis of Confidence ellipse|Dotted line
4517=Select to draw or not vertical line X center and horizontal line Y center through center of Confidence ellipse|dotted-dash line
4605=Select or not with red color of cell with mistakes - not numbers
4606=Points outside of interval
4608=Select or not with yellow color of cell with X,Y values being beyond the scope of plot
4611=To start editing the cell:| Click <F2> or <Enter> or click the mouse on cell|To stop editing the cell::| <Enter> - processes your input, <Esc> - cancels your input|To move cursor, use arrows, <Tab> or the mouse.
4622=Lets you copy points selected in the grid and put them on the Clipboard.
4625=Lets you remove points selected in the grid.
4628=Lets you insert the contents of the Clipboard into the grid
4642=Lets you to build the Confidence ellipse on points selected.
4703=Number of points
4705=Total number of points of all colors in the plot
4706=Number of points. Click to build the distribution of variables with color you select.
4708=Total number of colored points in the plot
4730=The distribution of variables. Histogramm and Normal distribution (Gaussian) line.
4740=Back, Front, Directed.
4750=Lets you add or remove data labels in the plot.
4760=Displays the series name
4761=Displays the numbers of data points
4762=Displays the X (Y, Z) values for data points
4763=Lets you add 'X=' ('N=', 'Y=', 'Z=') at the beginning of label
4764=Allows you to choose how the contents of the data label are separated
4766=Displays the labels for all data points
4767=Displays the labels for one of every N data points
4768=Displays the labels only for first and last points
4769=Displays the labels only for top and bottom points.
4770=Change the font style
4771=Change the border style
4780=Lets you change scale to view different series on one screen.
4781=Find and change scale to view two series on one screen.
4790=Displays the labels only for points selected on page 'Data'. See 'Information on points series' dialog.
4816=Interfacing factor:|f2(X,Y,N) = sum(i,j)(Nij*Nij/Ni/Nj) - 1| Nij - points in cell (Xi,Yj)| Ni - points in row (Xi)| Nj - points in line (Yj)
4819=Interfacing factor N parameter
4832=Results of calculation on all points checked
4835=To calculate factors, select points colors
4902=Lets you create new points series using existing with transformation
4904=Lets you create new points series using points selected with transformation
4950=To label selected point, select it in grid and click on button or use the shortcut key <SPACE>.
4951=Lets you label all points in grid.
4952=To remove existing label, select the point in grid and click on button or use the shortcut key <SPACE>.
5005=Parameters used when drawing the points
5006=Interval between points
5008=In modes <line> or <Points> points are put to previous not closer, than interval is given
5010=0.1 mm
5012=In modes <Points> points are Snapped To Grid. See grid on Axis X and Axis Y pages. Value is rounded to 1 mm value. It is not supported with Logarithmic scale.
5022=Parameters used when drawing the areas
5023=Areas marks
5024=Select to fill or not areas.
5025=Select to draw or not areas marks|In modes <areas selection> you can move areas marks and change areas shape.
5026=Marks size (0.1 mm)
5027=Size (0.1 mm) of area in editor mode <Brushed Area>
5030=Background picture:
5032=Parameters used when drawing the background picture
5035=Select to display or not the background picture|It is used for visualization or for digitization of points
5036=Resize to plot
5038=Select to resize or not drawing on whole size of plot
5039=On page center
5040=Select to draw the background picture on page center or on left upper corner
5043=Background picture (bmp, gif, jpg, wmf, emf)
5045=The plot size will be adjusted to the image size so the background image is not distorted.
5060=The image will turn upside-down.
5061=The image will turn side-to-side, as in a mirror.
5062=The image will turn 90 degrees.
5063=The image will turn N degrees.
5065=Apply the transformation.
5069=Saves your background picture file to disk. All filters you selected will be applied.
5071=The image is converted to black and white.
5072=The image is converted to a reversed color version of the original.
5073=Finds the main lines in an image and replaces their color with the opposite color, at the same time most fill colors are darkened, making them like a background.
5074=Apply the sharpen filter.
5075=The image is converted to grayscale.
5076=Causes a group of pixels to have the brightness of the average pixel in that group.
5077=Apply the closing*opening filters.
5080=Move the setting up, to exclude pixels with high brightness.
5081=Move the setting up, to exclude single pixels.
5082=Move the setting up, to quantize colors on brightness.
5090=The background picture will be placed on the Windows Clipboard as bitmap image, and may be pasted in elsewhere.
5091=An image stored on the Windows Clipboard as bitmap will be pasted into your outline.
5105=Header is displayed in upper field.|Font and color of header are assigned on property page <Format>.|The header may be saved to XML file.
5108=Footer is displayed in bottom field.|Font and color of footer are assigned on property page <Format>.|The footer may be saved to XML file.
5122=Units of drawing are used when installing the sizes of drawing and axes scales.|Units are displayed at axes and on status bar|By default - centimeters.
5129=Plot size:
5131=Plot size: width on X, height on Y in selected units.|The Size defines the visible area of plot including axis and is used in editing, scaling and building of distribution.
5142=The upper field - header.|The lower field - footer.| To test it, use <Apply>.
5162=List of plot sizes. Select 'WINDOW SIZE' to resize the plot in all window of program.
5202=Assign the position of axes on plot.|To test it, use <Apply>.
5208=The area occupied by axis on drawing.|To test it, use <Apply>.
5222=The direction of counting out the axes.|To test it, use <Apply>.
5225=Draw or not arrow of axis
5232=Step on axis and lines of grid.Font and lines parameters are assigned on property page <Format>.|The grid is displayed over background picture.
5252=The axis value title and physical units of measurement of parameter.
5259=In one
5260=Scales of axes are used in editing and building of distribution.|To test it, use <Apply>.
5261=Log. scale
5263=In logarithmic scale for each cm.(inch) axis interval limits multiply on given value (greater 1).
5278=Select axis title position:|in center or on edges.|Font and line attributes are assigned on property page <Format>.
5279=Select label type from list.
5280=No comments
5281=Text commentary
5282=Second axis parameters
5283=Input value to translate second axis labels
5284=Input value to multiply second axis labels
5290=Lets you select characters from the Symbol or Math font (Greek characters, trademark symbols, etc.) in the axis labels of your plots.
5295=Lets you show or hide gray band.
5300=Axis X
5350=Axis Y
5403=Points density distribution:
5405=Select points density distribution formula.|It is used in calculation of probability in <Distribution> mode|Contribution of each point is summarized according to point's radius, aspect ratio X/Y and points density distribution|By default - Normal distribution (Gaussian)|To test it, use <Apply> on property page <Distribution>.
5406=Normal distribution (Gaussian)
5409=Uniform distribution on area of a point
5412=Back pro rata 1/(X*X + Y*Y)
5422=Points parameters are used in editing, scaling and building of distribution.
5423=The density is proportional to the point area
5425=It is used in calculation of probability in <Distribution> mode|Contribution of each point is summarized pro rata square of radius of point.|By default - <is not proportional>.|To test it, use <Apply> on property page <Distribution>.
5426=Point size varies with a scale
5428=It is used in scaling.|By default - <is not varies>.|To test it, use <Apply>.
5512=Choose the way of visualization of distribution:| The Tones - brightness and color of cell is proportional density.| The Vectors - arrows show the direction of growing of density.|To test it, use <Apply>.
5522=Choose the quality of visualization of distribution:|Practically, the size of cell is changed.|By default <Optimal>|To preview it, use <Apply>.
5525=Use transparency, to x-ray background drawing (see property page <Editor>).
5526=By points color
5528=By default distribution to density is built for points of each color.|If <By points color> is unchecked, all color densities in cell are summarized.|To preview it, use <Apply>.
5540=Density Ranges:
5542=To select area with density of distribution|in limits <min - max> choose color.|Distribution is normalized on 100% at maximum.|To preview it, use <Apply>.
5543=Select range by color
5546=Interval (% maximum)
5560=Density, (% maximum)
5562=By default distribution is normalized on maximum|and is built in interval from 0 to 100%.|Install new scales and color of distribution.|To preview it, use <Apply>.
5563=Log scale
5565=By default brightness and color are proportional to density.|Use logarithmic scale, to increase contrast.|It is useful for maximums searching.|To preview it, use <Apply>.
5603=Cell size, cm:
5605=Numbers of points, grouped on cells are displayed on diagram. Assign the cells sizes or use square cells.
5620=Cells positions:
5622=Groups of points on diagram|are displayed in circles (squares).|Centers of circles can comply with centers|of cells or are determined by mean (X, Y),|calculated with points of a cell.
5626=On mean
5642=The groups of points of diagram|are displayed on circles (the ellipses)|or squares.|The Area of circle is proportional|to number of points in cell.|To preview it, use <Apply>.
5662=The parameters of visualization of diagram of distribution.|To preview it, use <Apply>.
5663=Label (points in cell)
5665=Select to display or no total number of points in cell. By default - display.
5666=Show center lines
5668=Display or no median (X,Y), built on points of cell. By default - not to display.
5669=Show trends lines
5671=Display or no trends lines (X,Y), built on points of cell. By default - display.
5710=Font and sizes, 0.1 mm:
5712=Assign the character's sizes in tenth shares mm. for different elements of plot. The typeface general for the whole document.
5715=It is used:| Text
5718=It is used:| Header only
5721=It is used:| Axes X,Y names labels
5722=Tick labels
5724=It is used:| Axes X,Y tick labels
5727=It is used:| Footer
5740=Line width, 0.1 mm:
5742=Assign the lines's color and width in tenth shares mm. for different elements of plot.
5745=Unused now
5748=Unused now
5751=It is used:| Axes X and Y lines
5754=It is used:| Axes X and Y tick lines
5800=Select new ranges. The X and Y scales will be recalculated.
5810=Select calibration points, of which the coordinates (X,Y) are known and can be entered.
5850=Select new language. Restart the program to install the language you selected!
5900=Lets you accurately select mapping region to digitize.
5902=Lets you rotate mapping region to digitize.
5910=Lets you select colors to digitize.
5912=Push to view region selected to digitize.
5914=Lets you select lines to exclude from digitizing.
5930=Lets you select the desired numerical format|of the data in the columns.|For example:|General - 123.456,|Fixed(5) - 123.45600,|Scientific(5) - 1.23456e002.
5931=Allows you to specify the desired number of decimal places.|For example:3 - 99.9999 or 9.9999e001.
5932=Select background color.
5950=There are two ways to determine the new (X,Y) coordinate system.
6000=Confidence ellipse
6020=Show axis of ellipse
6022=The symmetry axes of an ellipse are drawn with a dotted line
6023=Show centerlines
6024=Vertical and horizontal through center of an ellipse are drawn with a dashdotted line
6100=Approximation line (step 1 of 4)
6103=Select a function:
6105=Choose the function of approximation:| Y=f(X) or X=f(Y).|It is required for approximation|by piece linear or regression line (the step 2).
6106=Choose the function of interpolation:| Y=f(X), X=f(Y), f(X,Y) or in polar coordinates R=f(fi).
6110=X parameter:
6112=Choose the limits of change the parameter.|At building of approximations line only|points, falling into intervals X,Y, are used.|The line of approximating can be paint|outside of interval.
6130=Y parameter:
6150=This lets you find equations:| y = f(x),| or, for example,| y = f(1/x),| log(y+1) = f(x),| exp(y) = f((x-3)^2).
6170=Set x0 = min(X)
6171=Set w = max(X) - min(X)
6180=Set y0 = min(Y)
6181=Set w = max(Y) - min(Y)
6190=Lets you create and select conditions on fitting function Y=f(X).|For example: | f(X=0) = 0 to fix point (0,0) of fitting curve f(X);| f(X) < 10 means that absolute value Y=f(X) must be less than 10 for all X values;| f'(X=0) = 1 means than first derivative of f(X) in point x=0 must be equal 1.
6191=Select 'checked' to use conditions then find fitting curve.
6192=Lets you create new condition and add it to list.
6193=Lets you remove condition selected in list.
6200=Approximation line (step 2 of 4)
6210=Select a function:
6212=Choose approximations line type:| Regression line f(X) or f(Y)| Piece linear f(X) or f(Y)| Closed spline f(X,Y)| Sections (X,Y).
6213=Regression line
6215=Approximation line (analytical function from list below) is built on method of correlation|in interval X,Y selected.
6216=Piece linear
6218=The straight lines by steps through mean values on intervals you selected with constant step X (or Y).
6219=Logistic Function.
6221=Building of an S-shaped (sigmoid) function having values in the range you selected.
6224=Building approximation on Fourier sum
6225=Neural Network
6227=Building of Neural Network for approximation
6228=Non-linear regression
6230=Building of on-linear regression line (BFGS)
6231=User defined Formula
6233=Building of user defined analytical function
6234=User defined Function
6236=Building of user defined function from external DLL.
6240=Parametric equations (X = Fx(u), Y = Fy(u), u=0...1)|Find the line that minimizes|the distance between line and points.
6243=B-spline curve Approximation/Interpolation
6244=Closed spline
6246=The compound B-spline cubical curve is built on border points of rectangle|(X min-max, Y min-max).
6249=Building of sections direct for separation of irregular dependencies
6251=Select from a list analytical|function f(U), with U - X or Y:| polynomial, hyperbolic, logarithmic, power, exponential| or assign to define best of them.
6262=The best function of approximating is determined on minimum error (normal deviation) and is selected from a list of analytical functions for a given degree of approximating (step 3).
6271=Logistic function of approximating is determined on minimum error (normal deviation).
6280=Neuron activation function
6281=Neuron activation function - rational or exponential sigmoid. Parameter A must be in limits from 1 to 5.
6290=Training parameters:
6291=Neural nertworks training parameters:| step of gradient| max number of iterations, it is no more 1000.
6300=Approximation line (step 3 of 4)
6303=Approximation parameters:
6305=Depending on chosen on previous step of type to approximations assign the parameters.
6306=Points (X,Y) number
6308=General quantity of points in a given interval (X, Y). The line of approximating will be is under construction on these points.
6310=Polynomial degree
6312=For regression line|(polynomial, hyperbolic, logarithmic, power, exponential)|select polynomial degree.|The Best function is chosen for SELECTED degree.|The number of points must be more than degree.
6313=Steps number
6315=For piece linear function|assign number of steps X (or Y).|The number of points must be more than number of steps.
6316=Points of spline
6318=To build complex B-spline cubic curve|assign net of partition:| (N intervals of X) x (N intervals of Y).|The number of points must be more than 4(N - 1).
6319=Nodes of net
6321=To build line sections assign the number of nodes:| (N intervals of X) x (N intervals of Y).|Than more nodes, that more the influence of small irregularity
6324=To build Fourier approximation assign the number of harmonics (maximum N in sum of sin(2*Pi/T*N*x)).
6326=To build Neural network assign the number of neurons in hidden layer (layer 1). Pay attention that the process of so-called learning may be long.
6332=Lets you build approximation, recalculated on new parameters or to check errors.
6335=Table of calculations results:|Regression line: degree - factor|Piece linear: interval min - max - mean|Spline: Bezier curve points (X - Y)|Sections: start (X,Y) - end (X,Y).
6338=The equation of function of approximation or error report. Lets you copy string and put it on the Clipboard..
6341=Mean square error of calculation (deviation).
6271=Logistic function of approximating is determined on minimum error (normal deviation).
6350=User defined approximation functions
6352=This list was created from plug-ins (DLL in subdirectory 'Appr'). Read help topics, how to create your own approximation function.
6400=Approximation line (step 4 of 4)
6403=Show parameters:
6405=Assign the parameters, used to paint the Confidence ellipse.
6406=Line color
6408=Select a color for the line. It is used only in paint.
6409=Width, 0.1 mm
6411=Select line width in 0.1 mm.
6420=Lines of standard deviation
6422=For regression line or for piece linear function,|select to draw or not lines of standard deviation.|It is calculated by mean square error.|The lines are paint the dotted line.
6423=Lines on centers of steps
6425=For piece linear function,|select to draw lines on centers of steps|or to draw vertical-horizontal piece linear lines.
6430=Lets you create fitting curve and add it to list
6480=Types of interpolation
6490=Table of calculations results:|Lagrangian interpolation.: degree - factor
6491=Lets you copy the table of calculations results|and put it on the Clipboard.|Lagrangian interpolation:| degree - factor.|Bezier interpolation:| the startpoint (X - Y), two control points, and the endpoint.
6500=Set values in graphic digitization limits
6512=Select two border points of digitization area. On this points digitazed coordinates of points of drawing will be recalculated in coordinates of new points series.
6524=Lets you recalculate axes scales on intervals (X,Y) selected.
6525=Digitization step, 0.1 mm
6527=Pixels group with this step from image to new points.
6528=Select direction to follow curve to digitize automatically.
6529=Select fixed step to digitize with const step.
6530=If one point on step is selected, only one curve of several parallel curves will be digitized.
6533=Move mouse cursor on the picture you want to digitize.
6534=Select magnifying factor.
6532=Select pixel colors to digitize X-Y data automatically.
6535=Push this button to digitize X-Y data automatically.
6536=Number of X-Y points digitized automatically.
6540=Preview color.
6542=Number of X-Y points digitized by hand.
6547=Push this button to remove points you have added by hand.
6548=Push this button to remove all points you have added by hand and automatically.
6560=The list of calibration points, of which the coordinates (X,Y) are known and can be entered.
6562=Remove calibration point from list.
6563=Remove all calibration points from list.
6901=Lets you select condition on fitting function f(x) or its derivatives.
6902=Lets you apply condition on all x values or only selected x values.
6903=This conditions will be used then find fitting curve f(x).
6904=Lets you specify weights for a condition. This value will be used then find fitting curve f(x). Default value 100%.
7000=Add points series (step 1 of 3)
7005=For parameters X,Y,Z choose the numbers of columns.
7022=Parameters X,Y names and physical units of measurements
7052=The data grid.|Red the cells - not numbers are secured|Scroll the grid to define line,| with what to begin read the data.|Only 100 first lines are scrolled in grid.|Click on grid header to fill X or Y data Xi = X0+i*(X1-X0).
7060=Take as from line
7062=Assign with what line to begin to read the data.
7065=Total linage read data
7072=Lets you remove selected lines from grid and not to read this lines.
7078=Lets you add all data and create several serieses of points.
7100=Add points series (step 2 of 3)
7103=Was read
7106=Points. Assign intervals X, Y or change scales of axes.
7122=The data X and Y intervals
Select X,Y intervals|'min' and 'max' in physical units of measurements.Only points inside clipped intervals will be added to points series.
7123=Interval min
7126=Interval max
7142=Assign multiplier:|The parameter will be recalculated.|Use it to normalize values with different|physical units of measurements.
7143=Multiply by
7146=Multiply by
7152=The data will be clipped at the values of X and Y data that you specify.
7153=Axis X min
7156=Axis Y min
7159=Axis X max
7162=Axis Y max
7170=Take assigned:
7172=Select to add all points read to new series or select only points inside clipped intervals will be added to points series.
7173=All points
7176=From interval only
7182=Each data point will be multiplied by the scale factor.
7186=Take assigned
7190=Set the data read X and Y intervals to clipping region.
7191=Set the current plot intervals to clipping region.
7192=Set the clipping region to new plot interval.
7193=Set the previous plot interval.
7194=Set the previous scales.
7200=Add points series (step 3 of 3)
7203=In series
7210=Interval limits:
7212=Axes intervals limits.|It is possible to select new limits|on <property pages <Options><AxisX, AxisY>.
7213=Axis X min
7216=Axis Y min
7219=Axis X max
7221=Axis Y max
7230=Input series title:
7240=Input series parameters:
7242=Lets you assign a color, marker, radius (X) and aspect ratio (Y/X) for new points series.
7300=Save the points to text file:
7305=File path
7310=Plot header
7312=Select to save or not a headline.
7315=Select to save or not notes.
7316=Axis title
7318=Select to save or not axis titles.
7321=Select to save or not units.
7332=Assign what points to save
7333=Selected only
7335=Select to save all points or only points inside selected areas.
7336=Colored only
7338=Select to save all points or only points with current color.
7339=Z Parameter
7341=Select to save or not parameter Z.
7352=Select a separator of cells X,Y,Z:|space, tabulator or comma.
7372=Select to sort lines by X, by Y or not to sort.
7373=By X
7376=By Y
7390=File preview:
7392=In this window only first lines of file are shown.
7400=Save the points to XML file:
7412=Select to save or not|a headline:| tag <TITLE>
7415=Select to save or not|notes:| tag <COMMENT>
7418=Select to save or not|axis titles:|tag <AXEX><NAME>|tag <AXEY><NAME>
7421=Select to save or not|units:|tag <AXEX><UNIT>|tag <AXEY><UNIT>
7440=Combine all series
7442=Select to aggregate all series of points in one group or to save each series of points by separate group.
7452=Assign what additional data|to save to XML file:|Areas|Functions|Commentary.
7455=Select to save or not|coordinates of areas:|tag <LISTCLIP>
7458=Select to save or not|approximation functions:|tag <LISTFUNC>
7461=Select to save or not|text commentary:|tag <LISTTEXT>
7501=Select 'checked' to find an approximation or an interpolation for closed curves.
7502=Select 'unchecked' to find a least squares curve approximation. Select 'checked' to find a global curve interpolation with points. The number of points to interpolate must be greater than the degree specified for the curve.
7503=The degree of the least squares curve approximation (interpolation) in limits from 1 to 6.
7504=The number of control points in the new curve to find a least squares curve approximation.
7601=Select center point X0,Y0 'fixed' to speed up the calculation.
7602=The number of harmonics in parametric equations X(u), Y(u) to fit data.
7603=The number of points to estimate the difference between the model and data by the method of least-squares.
8010=Lets you check the groups of functions to find the best fit.
8014=The polynomial degree or/and the number of Fourier harmonics.
8020=Maximum number of iterations.
8030=Click this button to start the process. It may take a lot of time for slow computers.
8040=The full list of functions headers and standard errors of the estimate. Select the function to view the formula and to plot the function. Select the function 'checked' to add the function to plot.
8042=The number of best fit functions to plot. Only this functions will be saved.
8044=Lets you copy the table information and put it on the Clipboard.
8210=Lets you close Excel workbook then close dialog.
8250=Lets you create new points series and fill it with data from Excel in the range you select. For example, to copy the data from the range 'A1:C9', select axis X 'A1':'9', axis Y 'B', axis Z 'C'.
8280=Lets you fill 'Title' items with the text from Excel cell.
8290=Select 'checked', to copy the text from Excel cell to FindGraph.
9910=About FindGraph.
10102=<New Plot> (<File> menu)||Creates new plot FindGraph.
10105=<Open> (<File> menu)||Opens a plot FindGraph (extension 'fgr')|from your file system.
10108=<Save> (<File> menu)||Saves the current plot in 'fgr' format|without change of its name and path.
10122=<Print> (<File> menu)||Prins the current plot.
10125=<Print Preview> (<File> menu)||Displays full page in that type,| which it will be printed.
10202=<Cut> (<Edit> menu)||Cuts the plot as OLE object and put it on the Clipboard.
10205=<Paste> (<Edit> menu)||Inserts Clipboard contents as OLE object
10208=<Copy> (<Edit> menu)||Copy the plot as OLE object and |put it on the Clipboard.||You can paste it to 'Paint', 'Word', 'Excel'|and save FindGraph plot as picture |or edit it as embedded object.
10502=<Save Points As> (menu <Data>)|Saves the current plot in text file||It is possible to save plot in 'txt' format as table:| - All points will be saved;| - Only selected points will be saved;| - Only points with current color will be saved.||It is possible to save plot in 'xml' format:| - All points will be saved or selected only;| - Selected areas will be saved;| - The functions of approximation will be saved;| - The commentary will be saved.
10505=<Add from File> (menu <Data>)||Starts the Wizard of creation new series of points.|It reads the points from text file extensions 'TXT'.|Possible separator of cells X,Y,Z:| space, tabulator or comma.|Points can be edited.
10512=<Add from Table> (menu <Data>)||Starts the Wizard of creation new series of points.|Points can be edited with text editor.
10515=<Add from Picture> (menu <Data>)||Creates new series with current color and marker.|Digitizes and adds points from background picture.||Follow these steps:|1. Select background picture on <Options><Editor>.|2. Create the areas 'Clip or 'Rectangle around picture.|3. Select this areas.|4. Choose current color. | Only points with this color wil be digitized.|5. Choose current points radius. | It will be the size of pixel groups to digitize. |6. Click the button <Add from Picture>.|7. Edit parameters of new series of points.
10518=<Add from Screen> (menu <Data>)||Creates new series with current color and marker.|Digitizes and adds points from screen.||Follow these steps:|1. Click the button <Add from Screen>.|2. The frame appeares. Move it on screen.|3. To select the color of digitizing,| hold key <C> and move the mouse inside frames.|4. Press the button <o> on frame. |5. The dialog appeares. Assign X,Y interval limits,| corresponding to internal borders of frame,|7. Choose size of pixel groups to digitize.|8. Edit parameters of new series of points.
10521=<Copy Selected> (menu <Data>)||Copy all selected points and put it on the Clipboard.|To paste it as new series of poits,|use <Paste Points> (menu <Points>).||You can paste it to 'Excel' page,||To copy selected points and put it on the Clipboard:| - Select areas;| - Click the button <Copy Selected>.|To copy only current color points:| - Use popup menu (right button).
10524=<Paste Points> (menu <Data>)||Starts the Wizard of creation new series of points.|It takes the points from the Clipboard.|Points can be edited.||Command available only,|if the Clipboard contains data|in text format, for example:| - Excel rows were copied on the Clipboard; | - the FindGraph points were copied.
10532=<Correlation> (menu <Analysis>)||Information on correlations and interfacing the points|To get information:| - Select areas;| - Click the button <Correlation>.|Information for points of each color and total will appear.
10542=<Fit Function> (menu <Fit>)||Build approximation function on all selected points|To build approximation:| - Select points;| - Click the button <Fit Function>.|'Approximation' dialog will appear.
10532=<Best Function> (menu <Fit>)||Find best fit function on all selected points|To Find best function:| - Select points;| - Click the button <Find Best Function>.|'Find the best line' dialog will appear.
10544=<Linear Regression> (menu <Fit>)||Build Linear Regression on all selected points|To build approximation:| - Select points;| - Click the button <Linear Regression>.|'Linear Regression' dialog will appear.
10546=<Interpolation> (menu <Fit>)||Interpolating the data set on all selected points|To build interpolation:| - Select points;| - Click the button <Interpolation>.|Interpolation dialog will appear.
10547=<Distances> (menu <Analysis>)||Calculate minimum, maximum, and average distances|between all selected points and points/function you specify.
10552=<Undo> (<Edit> menu)||Reverses the last command.
10555=<Redo> (<Edit> menu)||Reverses the action of the <Undo> command.
10562=<Transformation> (menu <Analysis>)||Transform, smooth, subtract, differentiate|or integrate all selected points and create new series|To build transformation:| - Select areas;| - Click the button <Transformation>.|Transformation dialog will appear.
10602=<Options> (<Plot> menu)||Displays options for viewing and editing plot,|including general options, plot axes,|distribution and diagram parameters.
10612=<Fit size> (<Plot> menu)||Recalculates plot size to use full workspace.
10614=<Fit scales to points> (<Plot> menu)||Recalculates scales to view all points selected.
10616=<Fit scales to areas> (<Plot> menu)||Recalculates scales to view all areas selected.
10618=<Fit scales to 0-1> (<Plot> menu)||Recalculates scales to view data in X, Y limits from 0 to 1.
10702=<Points Editor> (<Plot> menu)||Switches to <Points Editor> view.|In this view mode you can add and remove|points series and single points.|You can select areas, move, delete|and copy on the Clipboard selected points.|To change the settings of editor go to|property page <Options><Editor>.||Each point is paint with its marker, and size.
10722=<Points Occupation> (<Plot> menu)||Switches to <Points Occupation> view.|Differs from <Editor> only on visualization way.|Use this view mode:|to find and show overlaying areas,| occupied by points with different colors.|Each point is paint with rectangle of its size.
10726=<Histogramm> (<Plot> menu)||Switches to <Histogramm> view.|Each point is paint with rectangle of its width with bottom zero line.
10742=<Distribution> (<Plot> menu)||Switches to <Distribution> view.|Use this view mode:| to find and show density distribution picks.|To change view settings go to property |page <Options><Distribution> and select:|Quality, Density Ranges, transparency.||To change points settings go to property|page <Options><Density>.||Menu items available in all view modes:|- Show/Hide regions with density in assigned limits;|- Draw with provision for color of points or summary;|- Draw color distribution or vectors of gradients.
10762=<Diagram> (<Plot> menu)||Switches to <Diagram> view.|In this mode points are grouped in cells,|You see the summary number of points in cell.||To change view settings go to property |page <Options><Diagram> and select:|size of cell, centers of groups.
10902=<Help Topics> (<Help>)||Displays help topics in 'chm' format.
10908=<About> (<Help>)||Displays the version number|of this UNIPHIZ Lab program,|copyright, the user name.
11012=Lets you assign editor mode <Rectangle Area>.||In this mode it is possible:|- To create new rectangle area 'Rectangle' with current color;|- To move existing color area, hold SHIFT and move the mouse;|- To change size of color area, move areas marks.|Area is used:|- To move, erase and copy points;|- To build of functions through points;|- To digitize points from background picture.|- To view with magnifying glass.
11015=Lets you assign editor mode <Irregular Area>.||In this mode it is possible:|- To create new area 'Clip' with current color;|- To move existing color area, hold SHIFT and move the mouse;|- To change size and shape of color area, move areas marks.
11018=Lets you assign editor mode <Remove Area Marks>.||In this mode it is possible:|- To remove areas marks of color area;|- To remove areas marks of any area,|hold SHIFT and move the mouse;||Area will be deleted, if remain less four areas marks.
11019=Lets you assign editor mode <Remove Area>.||In this mode it is possible:|- To delete Area quickly.|- To delete the function.||To remove area of any color,| hold SHIFT and click the mouse.
11032=Lets you assign editor mode <Points on Lines>.||In this mode it is possible|to create new points series 'Line' with|current color, marker, radius and aspect ratio.||The points are placed along direct line.|The distance between points is assigned|on property page <Options><Editor>.
11035=Lets you assign editor mode <Drop Points>.||In this mode it is possible:|- To create new points series 'Points'|with current color, marker, radius and aspect ratio.|To drop point move the mouse and click left button.||Minimum distance between following points|is assigned on property page <Options><Editor>.
11038=Lets you assign editor mode <Erase Points>.||In this mode it is possible:|- To remove points with current color;|- To remove points any color, |hold SHIFT and move the mouse;||The series will be deleted, unless remain points.
11052=Lets you assign editor mode <Select Area>.||In this mode it is possible:|- To select simultaneously several areas;|- On key <DEL> remove all selected areas with points;|- To move all selected areas with points of current color;|- To move all selected areas with points of any color,|hold SHIFT and move the mouse;|- To copy points selected and put them on the Clipboard.|- Define the correlation and interfacing the points of selected areas;|- Build the function of approximation;|- To digitize points from background picture.||Use popup menu (right button) to operate with points inside areas.
11062=Lets you assign editor mode <Commentary>.||To add commentary, follow these steps:|1. Move the mouse and click left button;|2. The dialog box will appear.|3. Enter the new text commentary.|4. To edit existing commentary, double click on it.|5. To move the commentary,|click left inside the commentary, hold left button and move it.||Use mode <Draw text>, to place the labels along curves.
11102=Lets you assign editor mode <Information>.||Click on clean field of plot:|- to get information on summary number of points;|Click on points series:|- to edit or delete the series of points;|- to build the approximation on points of series.|Click on area:|- to edit the parameters of area;|- to get information on points inside the area;|- to build the approximation on points inside the area.|Click on function:|- to edit or delete the function;|- to assign the interval of function.
11202=Lets you assign editor mode <Magnify>.||To view selecteded area wholly:|- Click this button <Magnify>;|- Click with the mouse on area 'Rectangle' or 'Clip'.|To restore the axes scales:|- Click the button <Magnify> again.||In view mode <Distribution>|distribution will be recalculated.
11302=X,Y values in physical units of axes in point of cursor.
11402=Lets you select the current color.||The difference of points on color is used:|- When creating the new series of points|- When creating the new areas;| - When removing points <Erase Points>;| - When removing points inside selected areas;| - When moving points with selected areas;| - When copy selected points on the Clipboard;|- When building the functions through points.||When click color button, the new series of points begins.
11452=Lets you select the current marker.| Circle, cross, triangle.||The difference of points on marker is used only when painting.||When click marker button, the new series of points begins.
11482=Lets you select the current size of point.|Is assignes X and Y size - radius of circle point.||The difference of points on size is used:|- When painting;| - When calculation the distribution;||Radius of point is assigned in tenth shares of millimeter.|It is recalculated to physical units and can be changed |under scaling.||When size was changed, the new series of points begins.
11500=<Formula> (Menu <Analysis>).|Lets you create function with formula you input.
11502=<Famous> (Menu <Analysis>).|Lets you create function with formula you select from famous functions list.
10510=<Trace Data> (Menu <Analysis>).|Lets you trace data, derivatives,|and calculate integral. Select series in list and push button.
10520=<Trace Function> (Menu <Analysis>).|Lets you trace function and derivatives, calculate integral,|zeroes and extremes, and tabulate function. Select one function in list and push button.
11512=The equation of function or error report. Lets you copy string and put it on the Clipboard.
11514=The equation of function or error report.
11516=The range of parameter U of approximation function.
11518=Lets you select use or not parameters of approximation function.
11530=The list of parameters of transformation function.
11532=The range of initial points (u,v) and the range of result points (x,y). Lets you add only selected points to new series.
11540=The equation of function to trace.
11550=Lets you trace function and derivative quickly.
11551=Lets you define parameter of function.
11552=Lets you calculate value (X1, Y1), first and second derivatives. Input X1 (or Y1), and push button.
11553=Lets you calculate definite integral in range X1, X2. Input minimum (X1) and maximum (X2) of X, and push button.
11554=Lets you calculate zeroes of function (roots of equation f(x) = Zero Y) and extremes of function (minimum and maximum). Input range of X, value of Zero Y, accuracy, and push button.
11555=Lets you tabulate function. Input range, step, and push button.
11560=Lets you calculate and put results on the Clipboard.
11570=Distance between points (X0,Y0) and (X1,Y1) (page 'Calculus').
11600=Lets you select the built-in function.
12000=Click to smooth points and create new series.
12001=Lets you select the method of smoothing.
12002=The number of left and right points for smoothing.
12003=Lets you select Kalman smoothing (for time series models only).
12004=Lets you apply low-pass FFT filter in a smoothing window. Input the cutoff frequency (number of points).
12080=Click to copy points or exchange X-Y axis.
12081=Lets you select to copy points or to exchange X-Y axis or to flip X, Y axis.
12082=Click to set X maximum or X medium*2 value.
12083=Click to set Y maximum or Y medium*2 value.
12085=Simulate data (Y values) with random error.
12086=Click to calculate Y values with function (formula) you created and to write Z values as deviations.
12090=Click to translate, scale, multiply and create new series of points.
12091=Lets you select to translate or to multiply or to rotate points.
12092=Lets you select parameters to translate, multiply or rotate.
12093=Lets you apply Procrustes analysis: translate, rotate, and scale a reference cluster of landmarks, so that the distance of each reference landmark to it's corresponding 'experimental' landmark is minimised.
12095=Lets you define a reference cluster of landmarks: to select the data series and to define N marks (all points in series or labeled only).
12097=Lets you define N 'experimental' landmarks: first N points in series, or best sequence of points in series, or select the labeled points only.
12098=Select 'checked' to specify weights (Z parameter) for a set of data points. Data points can be given greater or less influence over the Procrustes analysis by assigning a weight to each point.
12099=Select 'checked' to apply the Stretching/compressing and Shearing transformation to a reference cluster of landmarks in addition to translation, rotation, and scaling.
12100=Click to subtract baseline and create new series of points.
12101=Lets you select to subtract baseline Y0(X) from Y(X) or to divide Y(X) on Y0(X).
12102=Lets you select parameter to subtract:| Const (default Medium Y);| Straight line (default Regression line);| Series data you select;| Any function (formula) you created.
12103=Click to subtract Minimum, Maximum, or Medium line.
12104=Click to subtract a straight line through the first and last points (i.e. make the first and last amplitudes equal to zero), or subtract regression line.
12105=Click to find baseline and subtract it. An algorithm iteratively calculates the best fit parabola line through a set of points in window. The peaks above and below the line are discarded.
12200=Click to transform points using formula you define and create new series.
12120=Click to calculate Derivative and create new series.
12121=Lets you select to calculate First or Second Derivatives.
12122=The program builds best-fitting line Y=a+b*X+c*X*X in the defined vicinity of current point (left - right). The value of first Derivative calculated is b+2*c*X. And the value of second Derivative is 2*c.
12140=Click to calculate Integral and create new series.
12141=Lets you divide Definite Integral on value you specified (default - X range). Use it to scale resulting series.
12142=Lets you calculate Definite Integral in limits from start point X1 to point X.
12160=Lets you construct a discrete Convex Hull as new series.
12162=Lets you construct Delauney triangles and associated Direchlet Tesselations as new series.
12165=Lets you not include nearest input points to construct triangles.
12170=Click to normalize data and create new series.
12171=Lets you select the way how values 0 and 1 (100%) are defined.
12172=Lets you present results in new series as fractions (0 - 1) or percentages (0 - 100%) and keep only the points in limits.
12180=Click to prune data - to skip (or combine) rows, and (or) to exclude points.
12181=Lets you skip every N points (rows) or average N points to produce one output point.
12182=Lets you keep only the points in limits you selected.
12183=Lets you select how to average points:| the arithmetic mean (Y1..+Yn)/n,| the harmonic mean n/(1/Y1..+1/Yn),| the geometric mean (Y1..*Yn)^(1/n).
12184=Lets you select (label) points in dialog and keep only the points you selected.
12185=Click to exclude random spikes or to exclude close points.
12186=Lets you exclude individual data points that depart from the trend of a curve by a user-specified criteria.
12187=Lets you exclude individual data points that depart from the original data less than a user-specified ratio of the range between minimum and maximum input values.
12188=Lets you select to compare derivatives dY/dX or simple increments (Yn - Yn-1).
12190=Click to exclude replicating points, or to exclude points near existing plot, or to exclude points near function.
12191=Lets you exclude individual replicating data points.
12192=Lets you exclude points near existing plot.
12193=Lets you exclude points near existing function.
12194=Lets you define X and Y cell sizes to exclude (average) neighbour points.
12220=Click to generate a new curve with a constant spacing on the X axis.
12221=Lets you interpolate amplitudes between existing data points. Polynomial interpolation uses 2 or 4 neighbor points.
12222=Lets you use Cubic Spline method to interpolate amplitudes between existing data points.
12223=Lets you define X range and number of points (step X) to interpolate.
12228=Lets you select the Fast Fourier Transform or the Daubechies D4 Wavelet Tranform for digitally filtering data.
12230=Filters for digitally filtering data in the Fourier domain: low pass, high pass, band pass, band block, and threshold filters.
12231=The low pass filter allows you to eliminate noise at high frequencies.
12232=The high pass filter allows you to eliminate noise at low frequencies.
12233=The band pass filter allows you to eliminate noise above and below a specified frequency range.
12234=The band block filter allows you to eliminate noise within a specified frequency range.
12235=To eliminate noise corresponding to frequency components that are below a specified threshold level.
12238=Lets you define low and high frequencies and amplitude threshold level.
12250=Convolution lets you combine two curves to form a third curve.
12251=Lets you select how to combine two curves: apply the convolution or the correlation.
12252=Lets you select function F(u) to convolute:| - Any 64 points line your prepared.| Click on left chart and use the mouse| to draw your own signal or| to modify a selected signal. | - 64 points line from list. | - Series data you select.| - Any function (formula) you created.
12253=Lets you normalize function F(u): sum of all F(u) values will be equal 1.
12254=Lets you define the offset of signal function F(u).
12255=Lets you copy signal function F(u) and put it on the Clipboard as table.
12260=Fourier cyclic signals extraction.
12265=The constant component and cyclic (Fourier) signals extracted from input signal. Click on column header to sort.
12266=Lets you put the formula on the Clipboard.
12267=Lets you include only constant component to new series.
12268=Lets you include all harmonics to new series.
12302=Lets you select parameter to calculate distances|between each point (Xi,Yi) and:| Fixed Point (X,Y);| Straight line (Y = a + b*X);| Series data you select.
12303=Lets you to calculate distances between each point (Xi,Yi) and any function (formula) you created in function limits X. Distance is calculated as minimum distance between point (Xi,Yi) and function f(Xi) (Perpendicular from a point on a curve).
12304=Lets you to calculate distances between each point (Xi,Yi) and any function (formula) you created in function limits X. Distance is calculated as projection value abs(Yi -f(Xi).
12312=Calculated distances between points in series and point (function) you selected.
21002=Lets you select the object:|series of points, area, function, commentary.|Use popup menu (right button):| to remove all objects selected;|to combine data in one series,|to unify commentaries attributes.
21012=Objects list contents:|- data,|- areas,|- functions,|- commentaries.||Choose from list,|to change properties of object|or to remove selected object.||Double click on object to edit it,
21101=Series of points
21103=Lets you view the list of data
21113=Lets you view the list of areas
21123=Lets you view the list of approximation functions
21133=Lets you view the list of text commentaries
21200=Scales Window
21202=Lets you show the 'Scales Window'.||Use this window to change scales of X,Y axes.||Buttons or keyboard arrows move|counting out on 1 step of scale.|Sliders or keyboard arrows (+ SHIFT)|change scales within from 0.1 to 10|of axes scales.
21208=Lets you show the 'Scroll View Window'.||Use this window to scroll main program window.
21212=Lets you show the 'Fitting Log Window'.||Log information about data fitting and transformations.
21214=Log information about data fitting and transformations.
21220=If checked write in file information about only best fittings (inaccuracy less than previous value)
21221=If checked write image - data plot and fitting curve
21222=If checked write image - best fitting curve
21223=If checked write image - residuals
21230=Information about the number of points and the distribution of variables.
21300=Lets you show the 'Conversion Window'||Use this window to view or and edit data points in polar coordinates.
21302=Lets you select conform coordinates conversion. Use editor to drop, move and erase points and marks.
22000=Unregistered version|This trial version is for evaluation use only.|Registered version does not display this message.
22003=I agree, that I can use program for evaluation use only,|If you wish to continue to use program, you must pay a license fee and register.